Industry Map

Do we actually understand how the landscape around us is changing? Do we have a shared view, a shared understanding in our company or management team of the ongoing changes in our industry? Are we able to think both short term and long term? The Industry Map helps answer these questions.

Industry Map

Industry Map

Do we actually understand how the landscape around us is changing? Do we have a shared view, a shared understanding in our company or management team of the ongoing changes in our industry? Are we able to think both short term and long term? The Industry Map helps answer these questions.

Industry Map

Main Outcomes

Seeing the Changes on the Horizon

The Industry Map combines traditional industry analysis (think, Michael Porter’s excellent five-forces framework), but combines it with several new lenses of analysis, including disruptive changes and disruptive players. Used correctly, the Industry Map allows you to see changes on the horizon before they develop into existential threats.

Deal with Inflection Points

The speed of industry change is picking up. Companies are facing disruptive events and strategic inflection points at an ever-fast pace. The Industry Map helps companies and strategy teams map out and understand these powerful trends way differently than traditional industry analysis tools. Want to learn more about Inflection Points? We recommend Professor Rita McGrath’s book, Seeing Around Corners: How to Spot Inflection Points in Business Before They Happen. Get it.

Tackle Disruption

The real power of the Industry Map lies in the ability to identify, understand and tackle disruption. It’s been 22 years since Clayton M. Christensen’s first published the Innovator’s Dilemma and brought the principle of Disruptive Innovation to the mass market. But still, 22 years later, few companies are fully prepared to tackle disruption. Strategy Tools and the Industry Map help solve that challenge.

Use Case: Airline Company

An airline company was facing a rapidly changing business environment. Using traditional industry analysis tools, provided bland, well-known industry facts. The strategy team was looking for a new way of understanding how the industry was changing around them.

Using the Industry Map, the team quickly sensed that the combination of powerful trends, disruptive signals, and speed of industry change was combing together to cause significantly more impact than anyone had expected up until that moment.

This insight caused the team to shift to a radically more ambitious transformation strategy and explore new business models far outside their traditional core, while at the same time, spending time internally to create a wider understanding of the perils they were facing.

Industry Map

Problem It Solves

✓  Do we actually understand how the world around us is changing?

✓  Do we have a shared view, a shared understanding in our company or management team of the ongoing changes in our industry?

✓  Are we, as a team, able to think externally, both short-term and long-term?

✓  How can we get a better, shared understanding of what our world will look like in the coming years?

✓  How can we integrate Disruptive Signals and Disruptive Players into our industry understanding?

✓  How can I engage my client or management team in an engaging, thoughtful strategy session on the external changes we are facing?

✓  How can I create more management interest in disruptive trends?

Who Is It For?

✓  Consultants

✓  Corporate Staff

✓  Strategy Teams

✓  Strategy Leadership

✓  Top Management

✓  Venture Capital Teams

✓  Corporate Venture Capital Teams

✓  Cluster Teams, Superclusters

✓  Startups

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Find more canvases in the Strategy & Transformation Series. Thousands of companies, consultants and leaders around the world use Strategy Tools Digital Solutions to build capabilities and deliver business impact. Join them.