Our Publications

The world of strategy is shifting. Leaders, companies & governments are looking for new ways to build
strategies for the future.

E-Book: Four Steps to Growing Your Angel Network

Discover the essentials of building a successful angel network in this 30-page e-book. You’ll explore:

Four stages of angel networks

Learn the growth patterns of thriving angel networks globally and understand the stages crucial to your success.

Key success and risk factors

Identify what drives success and the pitfalls to avoid at each stage.

Four member segments

Understand the different types of members and how to attract and serve each segment effectively.

Four global perspectives on developing your angel networks

Gain insights from experts worldwide who are actively building and expanding angel networks.

National Cluster Programs: A Global Perspective

In this report we have researched, mapped out, or done interviews with more than 30 different cluster programs around the world.

From Denmark’s recent shift to national superclusters, Germany’s multitude of cluster programs to Columbia’s support of 105 national clusters; we have analyzed national cluster programs around the world.

In the report, you will learn:

  • How has superclusters emerged around key economic opportunities? (how did they start, how did they get selected, what was the opportunity?)
  • What are the most common Supercluster business models (financing models)
  • How are most Superclusters designed? (organizational model)
  • What are the available Government policy levers? (how can government shape Supercluster programs)
  • What are some of the new and emerging trends in cluster program design?

Booost Partner Summit Report 2023

Early in January 2023, we were joined by partners and friends across the globe to gear up for the year 2023. During the summit, we discussed growth strategies for 2023, dug into our most successfully client projects of 2022 and uncovered how we can develop strategic relationships in today’s turbulent landscape. In this report, you will get all the video recordings as well as key takeaways from the summit.

Strategy Tools Master Trainer Report 2022

The 2022 Strategy Tools Master Trainer Report brings you on a journey through the entire week of the Master Trainer program held in Norway in Sep 2022. Read participant reflections, watch a highlight reel and walk through all the pictures from the week to understand what the Master Trainer program is all about, and whether it is for you.

Strategy Tools Partner Success Summit Report 2022

The 2022 Strategy Tools Partner Success Summit Report taps into great minds like Professor Tony O’Driscoll, author of Everyday Superhero and Marcus Hølland Eikeland, program director and partner at Katapult, and many more as they share their work and success through collaboration with Strategy Tools. Watch the recordings, read the summaries and key takeaways in this report.

Booost! 2022 Post-Summit Report

Get the key takeaways from the 2022 edition of the Booost Strategy Tools Partner Summit and learn from global thought leaders like Jessica Espinoza, Christian Stadler, Donald B. Hawthorned and more. Watch the recordings, read the summaries and key takeaways in this report.

Chief Strategy Office Mexico – A Study on the Mexican Strategist

This report is the result of a study conducted by NováreQ, in partnership with Strategy Tools, through interviews and questionnaires with strategists in Mexico – Chief Strategy Officers, Strategy Directors, Strategy Vice-Presidents, Heads of Strategy, among other nomenclatures that vary according to the company, industry and region. All are, however, individuals dedicated to finding ways for their organizations to succeed.

Partner Success Summit Report 2021

Meet and learn from experts across the globe – on topics from strategy, venture capitalism, to clusters and ecosystems. The Strategy Tools Partner Success Summit 2021 featured renowned speakers such as Rita McGrath, David Lancefield and more. Get video recordings, summaries and slides in this report.

Cluster Business Models

Exploring Business Models in Global Innovation Clusters. Get unique cluster business model tools – never before published, expert views on the cluster business model revolution and emerging thinking on cluster business models.

Booost! Post-Summit Report

Get the key takeaways from our first ever Partner Summit where global strategy practitioners like Bill Fischer, David Lancefield, Rick Rasmussen and more share their insights on strategy in 2021. Watch the recordings, read the summaries and key takeaways in this report.

Strategy Tools in Action

Learn how consultants across the globe create impact with Strategy Tools. In the report, you will go behind the scenes on how top consultants across the globe use Strategy Tools in their work. Featuring a foreword by world-renowned strategy thinker and best-selling author Rita McGrath, as well as essays from global strategy practitioners like David Lancefield, Scott B. Newton, and Christian Rangen.

Building Switzerland’s Innovation Superclusters

Over the recent weeks, we’ve met with hundreds of people to discuss and understand the Swiss innovation ecosystem. The goal has been to get a deeper understanding of the current and future ecosystem, and what possible Superclusters that might emerge around new areas, new technologies and new Swiss initiatives. This preliminary report is a brief summary of our findings so far.

The Brazilian Strategist

The role of the strategist in Brazilian organizations is changing. Following a global trend, we can see strategy teams increasing their mandate and becoming a more influential and relevant area across the organization. After interviewing +60 Heads of Strategy we have also unveiled the future to come for those companies that will harness these advantages.


The Shifting Energy Arena

Today, we believe a fundamental shift is upon us, we call it the shifting energy arena. With the right mindset,
leadership and capabilities, it offers incredible opportunities. We hope this report can contribute to the conversation and help leaders, strategists and policy makers navigate a new energy landscape.

Building The Transformational Company

Throughout our journeys, we have met with 1000’s and 1000’s of people across industries and organizational hierarchies, all sharing a desire to better understand how to successfully lead transformation. In this report we aim to sharpen our own understanding and share it with a greater strategy community across the globe. We hope you may find this report both inspirational and insightful, but most of all we hope it helps drive you to build more transformational companies.

Building Innovation Superclusters

Superclusters are on the rise around the world. Corporate leaders, governments, academics and entrepreneurs all look to Innovation Superclusters and their potential economic impact. The report is based on work with over 40 clusters and cluster initiatives (from autonomous mobility, drones, energy transformation, heavy industries, aquaculture and more).

Master Trainer Insights

The Strategy Tools Master Trainer Insights Report was developed to give you a better understanding of what the Master Trainer program is all about. Read participant reflections, facilitator comments to get a taste of the program before you join. Learn how the STMT program was designed, what outcomes have been achieved, and how it will fit into your professional career.