Strategy Alignment

When the management team has different views on strategy and implementation, this tool helps get the whole team on the same page.

Strategy Alignment

When the management team has different views on strategy and implementation, this tool helps get the whole team on the same page.

Strategic Innovation Canvas

Main Outcomes

What Is Our Strategy?

Research shows most executives can’t say what their company strategy is. Use the tool to bring your management team onto the same page. Sketch out or summarize (in 35 words or less), your new company strategy.

Do We Have the Right Team for the Job Ahead?

New strategy = change. How does this impact the composition of your management team? Any new roles to fill or people to pull in? Any existing roles or people that should be changed up or removed? Do you really have the right team in place?

Is the Execution Plan Clear to Everyone?

Are you able to quickly hash out the execution plan, creating alignment between the three areas?
Your execution should be short, to the point, supported by key metrics, and always, always have an owner with her name on the tool.

Use Case: MaGIC

Strategy Alignment was originally developed in close collaboration with the Malaysian innovation center, MaGIC, and their top management team. MaGIC used the Strategy Alignment as an integrated part of the strategy development process. The tool helped summarize and execute a new growth strategy for one of Asia’s leading innovation hubs and accelerators, the Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Center.

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Find more canvases in the Implementation Series. Thousands of companies, consultants and leaders around the world use Strategy Tools Digital Solutions to build capabilities and deliver business impact. Join them.