Supercluster Capital Strategy Map

Innovation Clusters and Superclusters are on the rise around the world. But to be successful, these innovation clusters need to develop solid capital strategies. Few of them have significant experience in this field.  This brings up questions like: How can an Innovation Supercluster build a capital strategy? How can an innovation cluster think strategically about capital? How can a cluster map out and understand the capital landscape? The Supercluster Capital Strategy Map allows clusters, cluster managers, and key stakeholders to answer these questions and develop a global capital strategy.

Supercluster Capital Strategy Map

Innovation Clusters and Superclusters are on the rise around the world. But to be successful, these innovation clusters need to develop solid capital strategies. Few of them have significant experience in this field.  This brings up questions like: How can an Innovation Supercluster build a capital strategy? How can an innovation cluster think strategically about capital? How can a cluster map out and understand the capital landscape? The Supercluster Capital Strategy Map allows clusters, cluster managers, and key stakeholders to answer these questions and develop a global capital strategy.

Strategic Innovation Canvas

Main Outcomes

Understand How Risk Capital Works

In our work with ecosystems and clusters, few people truly understand how private risk capital works, and how it can be utilized for success across the ecosystem. From active business angels, Corporate Venture, small venture funds, and beyond, the Supercluster Capital Strategy Map helps you to learn the basics.

Go Beyond Your Home Turf

Many eco-systems and cluster programs tend to reach out to a handful of local investors, and stop there. That is a big mistake. The Capital Strategy Map invites you to explore investment opportunities beyond your home turf.

Build a Solid Capital Strategy

Most clusters would like to attract more investments, but their current approach can best be summarized as “hope”. By truly putting work into the Capital Strategy Map; learn it, build on it, implement programs, networks, hire people with clear responsibilities and metrics, train the core team and key stakeholders in the Capital Strategy Map; by doing this you build and implement a strategy, not just a hope.

Snapshot: Clean Energy

The Norwegian Solar Cluster has ambitions to build a truly global Innovation Supercluster. In summer 2018, the cluster’s management got their first introduction to the Capital Strategy Map. This quickly led to a solid capital strategy, hiring a dedicated Investor Relations Manager and, in 2019, launching their own accelerator and venture fund.

Problem It Solves

✓ How to map out your cluster investor landscape?

✓ How to think strategically about capital in your cluster?

✓ How to build a global capital strategy for your Supercluster?

✓ How to build basic knowledge of capital and investors into the cluster management?

Who Is It For?

✓ Cluster CEO’s

✓ Cluster Managers

✓ Cluster Boards

✓ Economic Development Agencies

✓ National Cluster Leadership

✓ National Innovation Agencies

✓ National Innovation Centers

✓ National Startup Hubs

✓ National Transformation Projects

✓ Ministries of Trade, Innovation, Growth

✓ Political Leadership

✓ Supercluster experts

✓ Consultants

✓ Ecosystem builders

✓ Business Schools

✓ Investors

✓ National investment agencies

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Find more canvases in the Supercluster Series. Thousands of companies, consultants and leaders around the world use Strategy Tools Digital Solutions to build capabilities and deliver business impact. Join them.