Supercluster Capital Strategy

This tools helps you get started on a capital strategy. It gives you the framework for developing, communicating, and implementing a fully-fledged capital strategy and it helps cluster boards and management teams understand, develop and implement a solid capital strategy. Note, this is designed to be used closely with the Supercluster Capital Strategy Map.

Supercluster Capital Strategy

This tools helps you get started on a capital strategy. It gives you the framework for developing, communicating, and implementing a fully-fledged capital strategy and it helps cluster boards and management teams understand, develop and implement a solid capital strategy. Note, this is designed to be used closely with the Supercluster Capital Strategy Map.

Strategic Innovation Canvas

Main Outcomes

See Where the Money Is

Every cluster we have seen met, or worked with over the past two years all have plenty of investors in their wider ecosystem – but they just don’t see them yet. Once you start working on your Supercluster Capital Strategy, you will realize many of your most important and active investor prospects have been there all along, you have just failed to activate them into the cluster.

Build an Intelligent Capital Strategy

We have seen a good selection of cluster capital strategies. Most of them can best be understood as “bits and pieces”. Few, if any, have a coherent line of thinking, a clear ambition, key milestones, core capabilities, clear responsibilities, and an implementation plan. Cluster capital strategies are often emergent, but just barely. I believe we can do better. For the sake of our members, let’s build a coherent, intelligent capital strategy with a far stronger chance of success.

Lay Out a Long-Term Road Map

Successfully developing and implementing a Supercluster Capital Strategy is a 3,5 or even 10-year project. You need to think and plan for long-term success, possibly beyond your own time working with the cluster. Despite the long horizon, you can start today.
Build a one-year learning program. Start with realistic ambitions and small steps. Build capabilities and recruit capital talent. Lay out a long-term roadmap – but get started right now.

Use Case: Ocean Tech Cluster

An ocean tech cluster, with strong industrial leadership, but limited experience with venture and early-stage funding was looking to develop an international capital strategy.

Building on its current strengths, and looking to improve on its historical weaknesses, the ocean tech cluster outlined a capital strategy well suited to its ambitions and capabilities.

Problem It Solves

✓ Where do we get started on a capital strategy?

✓ How can a cluster develop a full-scale capital strategy

✓ What are the key pieces required for a cluster capital strategy

✓ How can a cluster board or management team create a complete capital strategy

Who Is It For?

✓ Cluster CEO’s

✓ Cluster Managers

✓ Cluster Boards

✓ Economic Development Agencies

✓ National Cluster Leadership

✓ National Innovation Agencies

✓ National Innovation Centers

✓ National Startup Hubs

✓ National Transformation Projects

✓ Ministries of Trade, Innovation, Growth

✓ Political Leadership

✓ Supercluster experts

✓ Consultants

✓ Ecosystem builders

✓ Business Schools

✓ Investors

✓ National Investment agencies

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Find more canvases in the Supercluster Series. Thousands of companies, consultants and leaders around the world use Strategy Tools Digital Solutions to build capabilities and deliver business impact. Join them.