Supercluster Strategy Intro

Create a cluster strategy in a single, easy-to-understand framework to foster understanding and alignment around your supercluster strategy.

Supercluster Strategy Intro

Create a cluster strategy in a single, easy-to-understand framework to foster understanding and alignment around your supercluster strategy.

Strategic Innovation Canvas

Main Outcomes


Superclusters are complex structures with a massive amount of members, stakeholders, and partners. When developing a new Supercluster strategy, make sure to focus on the Why, Mission, and  Ambitions.


A strategy is nothing without execution. What better drives execution than metrics? Clearly define each Focus Area, in years 1, 3, and 5. Test these with the Board and key members.


Use the Supercluster Strategy Intro to develop a deep understanding and alignment within your team. Involve the leadership team, Board, Advisory Board, staff, and innovation groups in the process. Use this to define a clear road map, clear targets, and deep alignment.

Use Case

With three types of clusters, most start out as EC, or Emerging Clusters. Few can rightfully claim to be born an Innovation Supercluster. Working with an Emerging Cluster with huge aspirations, we introduced The Supercluster Strategy Intro. Suddenly challenged to define their long-term ambitions, then required to define five focus areas, with matching targets for years 1, 3, and 5, the leadership team struggled to collectively think big enough.

It took the larger part of a two-day strategy workshop to crack the code and actually be able to define a five-year Innovation Supercluster strategy. Using the Supercluster Strategy Intro, the team suddenly got a one-page visual framework to help chart out the journey they had set out on.

Problem It Solves

✓ We need a baseline tool for our Supercluster strategy

✓ What is a simple, easy to use strategy tool for clusters

✓ How can we create alignment and understanding around our Supercluster strategy

✓ How can we create a cluster strategy in a single, easy-to-understand framework

Who Is It For?

✓ Cluster CEO’s

✓ Cluster Managers

✓ Cluster Boards

✓ Economic Development Agencies

✓ National Cluster Leadership

✓ National Innovation Agencies

✓ National Innovation Centers

✓ National Startup Hubs

✓ National Transformation Projects

✓ Ministries of Trade, Innovation, Growth

✓ Political Leadership

✓ Supercluster experts

✓ Consultants

✓ Ecosystem builders

✓ Business Schools

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Find more canvases in the Supercluster Series. Thousands of companies, consultants and leaders around the world use Strategy Tools Digital Solutions to build capabilities and deliver business impact. Join them.