Two Lenses On Strategy
The Two Lenses helps to handle two deeply different world views on strategy. It helps to balance out the dominant views of strategy as classical strategic thinking.

Two Lenses on Strategy
The Two Lenses helps to handle two deeply different world views on strategy. It helps to balance out the dominant views of strategy as classical strategic thinking.

Main Outcomes

Prepare Your Top Management Team
Most senior business leaders today have been trained in the classic understanding of strategy, what we call “strategy as analysis”. Few have the same level of understanding and acceptance of the emerging school of thought, known as “strategy as innovation”. Two Lenses on Strategy helps change that.

Understand The Different Perspectives
Most management teams find powerful discussions in the wake of their first introduction to Two Lenses on Strategy. This helps them understand how the two lenses are different and what the strategic implications might be. This helps managers shift perspectives, frequently shouting out “we need to move to the other side”, implying they are all framed in a traditional strategy paradigm, wanting to shift into “strategy as innovation”.

A More Future-Fit Strategy
Companies understanding the Two Lenses on Strategy will often develop their strategic thinking and evolve this into a more future-fit strategy.
Use Case: Top Management Teams
Two lenses on strategy is frequently used as an opening tool for Boards or Top Management teams. This allows the participants to recognize there are (at least) two very different views on strategy. It is recommended to facilitate a discussion on these views in the management team. Focus on where you are in the present and which view you would like to pursue moving forward.

Problem It Solves
✓ How to handle different world views on strategy.
✓ How to balance out the dominant views of strategy as classical strategic thinking.
✓ Board or Management groups seem to “talk across each other” on strategy development and process.
✓ The underlying problem is often two very different perspectives of and understanding of strategy.

Who Is It For?
✓ Consultants
✓ Corporate Staff
✓ Strategy Teams
✓ Strategy Leadership
✓ Top Management

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Find more canvases in the Strategy & Transformation Series. Thousands of companies, consultants and leaders around the world use Strategy Tools Digital Solutions to build capabilities and deliver business impact. Join them.