Fightback: How to win post-crisis with platforms, ventures and entrepreneurs 

A conversation with Simon Torrance

Publish Date: 19th May

Simon Torrance

Christian Rangen

About the Webinar

How to accelerate out of the crisis?

Breakthrough innovation and platform strategy expert, Simon Torrance, works with some of the world’s leading companies to create impactful new growth strategies.

In this webinar he will describe how established companies can – in practice – leverage platform-based business models, digital ventures and tech entrepreneurs to create new value fast, like the digital masters.

He’ll share some best case studies from around the world, and describe a 5 step process for RENEW-ing a corporate’s ability to grow in a fast-changing digital world.

Topics We’ll Cover

  • Why and how have platform-based businesses become so powerful
  • How can traditional corporates emulate, compete and/or collaborate with them
  • Best and worst global practices, from multiple sectors
  • How to fast track the necessary changes to be able to compete in an increasingly platform-mediated economy
  • Interactive Q&A with senior advisor Simon Torrance


00:00 Welcome and Introduction

00:05 Main presentation by Simon

00:30 Discussion, Simon & Chris

00:40 Q&A from the participants

00:55 Summary conclusions


Simon Torrance

Simon is a senior independent advisor to Boards and Leadership Teams on business model transformation, platform strategy and digital ventures. He works across multiple sectors and geographies, helping to define and execute breakthrough new growth opportunities for incumbent organisations. Simon is a member of the World Economic Forum’s ‘Digital Platforms & Ecosystems’ executive working group, co-founder and Chair of the Platform Economy Summit, guest lecturer at Singularity University, author and presenter of the New Growth Playbook and co-author of a new book, ‘FIGHTBACK – how to win in the digital economy with platforms, ventures and entrepreneurs‘.

Christian Rangen | Strategy Tools

Christian Rangen is a serial entrepreneur, strategy expert, business school faculty, speaker, author – and most recently founder and CEO of Strategy Tools. Since 2011, Strategy Tools has been used with 1000’s of companies around the world. Over the past 18 years, he has advised companies and governments globally on strategy, innovation, transformation and developing ecosystems.

Strategy Tools Speaker Series

Scott d. Anthony, Rita McGrath, Alexander Osterwalder, Bill Fischer, Rick Rasmussen, Simon Torrance – Join Christian Rangen in discussing with top strategy leaders discuss how we can survive and thrive in times of crisis.