From global disruption to innovating in the upturn

A conversation with Scott D. Anthony

Publish Date: 1 April, 10AM CET

Scott D. Anthony

Christian Rangen

About the Webinar

The world is facing an unprecedented pandemic with far-reaching consequences. Fatalities are on the rise, supply chains get disrupted and entire industries quake.
Combined, we are facing a global disruption to business in the 21st century.

Yet, we are already seeing signs of the coming upturn.

BCG predicts a sharp V-shape recovery. Most Asian countries are showing very positive signs of recovery, and history has taught us that new winners are born in hard times.

We invite Scott D. Anthony, one of the world’s leading experts on disruption and finding new growth to a conversation on how executives should start thinking about the coming upturn.

Topics We’ll Cover

  • Disruption can come from anywhere: how does COVID19 fit into the theory?
  • How can leaders deal with disruption on the speed and impact as we are seeing from COVID19?
  • How can companies start preparing for the upturn?
  • What can history teach us about innovating in the upturn?                        
  • Advice to the C-suite on disruption and finding new growth in the current business
  • Interactive Q &A with strategy expert Scott D. Anthony


00:00 Welcome and Introduction

00:03 Setting the scene: the view from Europe

00:05 Main presentation by Scott

00:30 Discussion, Scott & Chris

00:40 Q&A from the participants

00:55 Summary conclusions

00:58 Closing notes


Scott D. Anthony | Innosight

Scott D. Anthony is a Senior Partner at Innosight. In his more than a decade with Innosight, Scott has advised senior leaders in some of the world’s leading companies such as Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, LG, etc on topics of growth and innovation. In 2017, Scott was awarded the Thinkers50 Innovation Award. Scott is also one of Harvard Business Review’s most prolific contributors.

Christian Rangen | Strategy Tools

Christian Rangen is a serial entrepreneur, strategy expert, business school faculty, speaker, author – and most recently founder and CEO of Strategy Tools. Since 2011, Strategy Tools has been used with 1000’s of companies around the world. Over the past 18 years, he has advised companies and governments globally on strategy, innovation, transformation and developing ecosystems.

Strategy Tools Speaker Series

Scott d. Anthony, Rita McGrath, Alexander Osterwalder, Bill Fischer, Rick Rasmussen, Simon Torrance – Join Christian Rangen in discussing with top strategy leaders discuss how we can survive and thrive in times of crisis.