How Countries Compete: A Deep Dive into National Cluster Programs

with Roberto Chaverri and Christian Rangen

23 October, 13:00 CEST

Roberto Chaverri

Christian Rangen

What we’ll dive into:

Are you curious about how countries compete on the global stage? Do you want to understand the secret behind their economic prowess and innovation?

In this webinar, we will discuss why countries need national cluster programs, the different models of national cluster programs, and also showcase global case studies and best practices in designing national cluster programs. This webinar will be framed by the key findings from National Cluster Programs: A Global Perspective, a report we developed for Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED).

Whether you’re a policymaker, a business leader, or simple someone passionate about understanding how nations compete, you will find some valuable takeaways from this webinar.

Meet Global Cluster Experts

Christian Rangen

Chris is considered one of the world’s leading experts in innovation clusters and Supercluster development.

Over the last decade, he has worked with well over 250 clusters and more than 25 national cluster programs.

He is currently actively involved with supporting and developing national cluster programs across the Americas, Europe and the Middle East. In this capacity he advises
ministries, national cluster program teams and national cluster champions in how to best set up and launch new, national cluster programs.

Chris is also the inventor of over 80 visual strategy tools for innovation clusters, many of them used with leading cluster programs around the world.

Through his online and in-person cluster leadership development programs he has worked with 100’s of cluster experts around the world.

He is based in Norway, but zooming extensively around the world.

Roberto Chaverri

Roberto is a senior consultant and experienced Executive with more than 20 years of international experience in different fields and industries.

Roberto has worked in multiple cluster-related projects across the world. His work includes building deep cluster capabilities for Costa Rica´s National Cluster and designing the cluster strategy for several clusters in the life science space and technology sectors.

Through Strategy Tools cluster platform, Roberto plays a key role in the development of deep cluster capabilities across the globe. He is a regular instructor at Strategy Tools Global Cluster Leadership Program and has delivered multiple cluster training programs in Costa Rica, Mexico, Serbia, Ireland and Finland.

He is an author and has contributed to several publications like “Cluster Business Models. Exploring Business Models in Global Innovation Clusters” by Christian Rangen and Victor Haze.

Roberto is a frequent speaker at cluster summits and conferences. His areas of interests and expertise include Cluster Strategy, Cluster Business Model design and Cluster development in emerging markets.

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