Over the past years, we have seen a rapidly growing community of Strategy Tools practitioners. From business school faculty in the US, executives-turned-consultants in Latin America, to Australian Innovation Clusters, the Strategy Tools platform is used across the globe to accelerate impact.
So how are people using Strategy Tools in Action? How are companies changing the way they work with strategy based on the toolkit? How are global consultants building their business with the help of the Strategy Tools platform? We’ll be launching Strategy Tools in Action, a report where we explore this in full detail.
Leading up to the release of the new report on the 16th of September, we’re releasing a few choice excerpts from the full report.
Featured today is Enrico Maset, a Strategy & Performance Officer at SteepConsult, part of the Positive Thinking Company ecosystem, based in Belgium. He discovered Strategy Tools in February this year and has since been certified as a Strategy Tools Global Coach. Here’s how he’s using the Strategy Tools Platform to supercharge his career:
Transformation is not plug-and-play. You have to initiate a change, reinvent yourself and return to be a future-oriented and teachable organization.
My Preferred Strategy Tools
I have selected two tools: the Transformational Company Index and the Industry Shifts Map.
Together they build a perfect T shape assessment that can be run in half a day.
The TCI enables a wide appraisal of the 10 Principles of Transformation; I’m able in a short time to identify key areas, build a link between topics and drive powerful discussions with clients.
The Industry Shifts Map instead focuses on the way a company is addressing new industry Shifts. This a great way to identify the Strategic mindset and it builds a perfect bridge to introduce the “Strategy as Innovation” approach.
These two tools represent such a strong foundation; they help differentiate our services and clients love how we can move to ACTION right from the first encounter.
How I Use It
In Client Presentations
After the client assessment, I often propose the Industry Shifts Map; it is the perfect discussion starter. Clients are at ease to identify Industry Shifts and they recognize the difficulty to structurally address them inside their organizations.
As SteepConsult and Positive Thinking Company are positioning towards Management Consulting, the Industry Shifts Map is becoming out go-to tool to introduce our new Services.
I’m running several Webinars and Client presentations using it and the feedback has been extremely positive.
In Discovery Initiatives
The Industry Shifts Map represents the heart of the new Transformation Starter Plan we developed.
It perfectly follows a first contact, representing a solid proposition we offer for free to initiate a discussion/relation with a new client.
In Designing Solutions / Programs
After running the Industry Shifts Map and depending on the client readiness, we can move quickly to short term wins with pilots or take a longer route working on Strategy/innovation Governance.
I often find myself building hybrid solutions using multiple tools at the same time so I setup a “MIRO cheat Sheet” where I’m mixing up all Strategy Tools.
Client Impact
Strategy Tools has been extremely valuable both internally and with clients.
Internally at SteepConsult we have been using multiple tools to identify and create a new market positioning; the Strategy as Innovation concept will become one of our major differentiator for the Management Consulting market in Belgium.
At Ecosystem level I got extremely positive feedback; Strategy Tools enabled an efficient information flow during meeting/webinars and a solid structure to organize outputs.
Multiple entities in different countries and from separate industries: IT/Technology, Digital/User Experience and Manufacturing/Industry4.0 are now co-creating with us new Strategies; they are also interested in developing their own internal Transformational skills through Strategy tools trainings and programs.
Externally we are seeing traction on the new services. We already ran a first wave of discovery meetings with Telecom, Automotive and Logistics clients; all of them recognized our approach to be much more direct and accessible compared to traditional Strategy methods.
We are now in a testing phase and we target to officially launch our new Strategy services in Q3 2020.
Recommendations to Others
1. Strategy is not only about experience
Today’s Strategy market has lower barriers to entry compared to the past.
Clients are looking to engage in efficient discussions with Advisors and are less attached to Industry Expert roles.
If you like Strategy and are at ease driving valuable discussion with Decision Makers, don’t wait more!
2. Identify the right clients
They dedicate 40%+ of their time to Strategy and Innovation; they want to co-create their Strategy and they can federate an organization towards long-term objectives (even after they left the company).
If it is not the case, you are in for a struggle.
3. Work visually in short feedback loops
Long gone are the period of 50+ pages/slides of research and analysis. Managing in Uncertain times requires quick delivery and even quicker shifting.
Invest time and resources in a solid vision and be efficient to build adaptable plans; you will need plenty of them 😉
Want more strategy insights from across the globe? Pre-register for the Strategy Tools in Action Report launching on September 16.